Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Where We Ended Up

So all in all this is what our team was able to accomplish:

  1. 58 levels of Flux, fully playable.
  2. 2 mini games, Trax and HiJax, using the Flux mechanics but strong standalone games themelves.
  3. Multiplayer functionality
  4. A tutorial screen
  5. Level selects
  6. Full audio track for the entire game
  7. Custom settings
The programmers showed it off at CS Demo Day last week, and I'm told they were voted 5th place out of 16 projects. Not too bad.

I missed showing it off at EAE day because of the work I had to complete for my other finals, so that was a fairly anti-climactic way to bid adieu to the EAE program, but whatcha gonna do?

I'll blog some more about what I learned, and I don't even know where we're going to take it from here. There are a few bugs that might keep it from being a public release, and because we're all graduating, our inability to do any further work on it might just make people mad that we released it without further supporting it.

We'll see where it lands, but all in all, what a rad experience.

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